BlindGumption Change Log

BlindGumption Change Log#

Step 2: 2024-09-02#

Dang, has it really been a year since I’ve been here?!? I guess I’ve been distracted. Well, BlindGumption seems to have become my playground for experimenting. Now I’m moving from mkdocs to sphinx. I’m using BlindGumption GH pages to try the GH action for deploying pages for the main account, not just a repo on the account. For mkdocs, it was kind of a hokey process. I’m hping it’s less so for sphinx.

Step 1: 2023-09-06#

Finally figured out the github action problem I was having with the mkdocs gh-pages branch. BlindGumption documentation can now be found at the github pages for the blindgumption/blindgumption repo.

Step 0: 2023-09-05#

Created the new blindgumption repo and started its documentation in various markdown files.